Washington, D.C. , is the capital city of the United States, located between Virginia and Maryland on the north bank of the Potomac River. The city is home You may be a U.S. citizen, pay federal taxes, even serve in the military. But if you live in the nation's capital, as far as Congress is concerned, you might as well not exist. The District of Columbia has never had its own Senator or Representative, despite a population (nearly 600,000 ) larger than Wyoming's. That curious disenfranchisement may soon change, however, as a bill advances through Congress that would finally give D.C. a House member. On Feb. 24, the Senate voted to allow debate on the plan, which would expand the House to 437 members, its first enlargement in nearly 100 years. The bill would also grant Utah another vote until the next reapportionment in 2012, maintaining the body's partisan balance as D.C.'s addition would almost certainly be a Democrat and Utah's a Republican. Prior to the a...
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